Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to join the “International Conference on Experimental Finance and Accounting (ICEFMA-2024) which is going to be held in the city of Paris, France from December 16-18, 2024. We hope you will agree to take part in this conference, which will enable you to share and discuss your most recent research findings with the vibrant world-wide community of Financers and Managing Auditors in the field.
As the premier event, we have developed a program with your interests in mind. We have not only increased the number of opportunities for you to network with colleagues from across the world but also introduced more focused sessions that will feature cutting-edge presentations, special panel discussions with industry leaders and experts. An Exhibition will be held concurrently with the Conference.
We look forward to welcoming you at this exciting meeting in Paris, France!
Venue: Paris, France
Best wishes,
Email: – contact@icefma.com
Make Plans to Participate in International Conference on Experimental Finance and Accounting – 2024!
We are confident that the knowledge and skills imparted at the International Conference on Experimental Finance and Accounting – 2024 Conference, through many discussions, speeches, talks, and presentations, will be beneficial and educational for each and every individual. We expect this to be one of the most memorable events for all of us as it will bring together all of the scientists, professors, and delegates for a spectacular outcome. We hope to see you on the day of the event.
- Academicians
- Professors / Assistant professors
- Research Scholars
- D. Students
- Finance Associations & Societies
- Finance and Account Management Companies
- Business Entrepreneurs
We are confident that the knowledge and skills imparted at the International Conference on Experimental Finance and Accounting – 2024 (ICEFMA-2024), through many discussions, speeches, talks, and presentations, will be beneficial and educational for each and every individual. We expect this to be one of the most memorable events for all of us as it will bring together all of the scientists, professors, and delegates for a spectacular outcome. We hope to see you on the day of the event.
- Experimental finance
- Theory, econometrics and experiments
- The fundamental method and challenge in experimental finance
- Testing behavioural assumptions
- Equilibrium assumptions: multiple equilibria
- Equilibrium assumptions: convergence
- Testing models
- Individual bias and aggregate market behaviour
- Insights from comparing experimental psychology and experimental economics Advantages
- Avoid omitted-variables biases
- Avoid self-selection problems
- Avoid problems of unobservable independent variables
- Avoid problems of unobservable dependent variables
- Types of experiments
- Laboratory experiments
- Controlled field studies or randomized field experiments
- Natural experiments
- Main findings
Abstract Submission Ends
30th August 2024
Early Bird Registration Ends
15th September 2024
Regular Registration Ends
31st October 2024
Late Bird Registration Ends
16th December 2024
Oral Presentations
Poster Presentations
Event Speakers
We invite you to listen to our keynote speakers, sharing their expertise and insights to transform society and strengthen the economy. It is their commitment that allows us to best share the knowledge of International Conference on Experimental Finance and Accounting (ICEFMA-2024).
About Us
ICEFMA-2024 is a forerunner in providing credible insights and analytics to fuel the growth of Finance and Accounts. By converting raw data, actionable insights, and expertise into a Finance console, we are on the move to enhance the way the world creates, safeguards, and breakthroughs innovation.